
domingo, 2 de abril de 2023

Mirlo acuático, White-throated Dipper

19 comentarios:

  1. Qué preciosas instantáneas Ana, va recogiendo ramitas que lleva en su pico para confeccionar el nido. Un mirlo muy bello.
    Un gran abrazo y feliz semana entrante.

  2. What beautiful pictures of this dipper Ana.
    The video is also really beautiful.
    Greetings Irma

  3. These are fantastic shots of the Dipper, Ana. It is good to see that it is managing to find plenty of food. I very much enjoyed your video too, showing the character of this bird.

    Best wishes from a sunny, but cool, England - - - Richard

  4. Bonitas fotos y magnífico vídeo de esta preciosa y valiente ave
    Que disfrutes de la Semana Santa

  5. Hola Ana,espectaculares fotos del Mirlo acuàtico y un bonito video.Un fuerte abrazo y Feliz Semana Santa.

  6. Una belleza de aves. Te dejo un like. Saludos

  7. Hello Anna
    I could already watch the blackbird, nice to see how it dives into the water...
    Greetings Frank

  8. Hi Ana,
    Unfortunately I haven't seen dippers for many years now. They used to visit us here during the wintermonths. You show us here what we have missed!
    Greetings, Kees

  9. Hermosas las fotos y el video. Saludos

  10. Hoi Ana!!
    Oh so beautiful!!!
    This bird is one of my favourites. The video is breathtaking!!
    Happy Easter,

  11. Amiga, Ana, se que me voy a repetir pero, es que disfruto tanto con tus imágenes que siempre las veo ampliadas para disfrutar de los detalles, y de tus vídeos; que es una gozada pasar por tu espacio.
    Gracias, por tu buen hacer.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  12. Hello Ana :=)
    Your photos of the charming bird the Dipper are unforgettable. I will now go in search of the video.
    All the best

  13. Ana, congrats on your video clip. I enjoyed it immensely.

  14. Beatiful photos Ana. I never saw this bird.

  15. Beautiful photos and video! Ana. Have a wonderful weekend.
